Scottish Tartan Ties
Scottish Tartan Ties
Scottish Tartan Ties are woven from fine Scottish wool. These are quality wool ties. Edinburgh Castle Scottish Imports has a huge collection of traditional tartan ties. A perfect fit for any occasion. We usually stock a couple of each tartan, and have a large range of ties in stock for you to choose from. A collection of over 600 quality tartan ties to choose from. Categories separated into Scottish tartan names alphabetically so customers can browse our selection. The categories are, Abbotsford to Erskine, Farquharson to Lumsden, Mac names MacAlister to MacThomas, and Malcolm to Young. There are also Scottish District Tartans, Irish Tartans, and Canadian Tartans. Our store carries Scottish Wool Ties in Solid Colors. Our collection of Welsh Tartans are from Wales. The selection of ties will complement any outfit from vibrant colors. Red, green, blue, and neutral grey. The wearer can display their heritage around their neck.